Arhiv obvestil za študente III. stopnje
2021 Annual Michael Sutton International Student Paper Competition
2021 Annual Michael Sutton International Student Paper Competition
Delavnica za doktorske študente (tema: pisanje znanstvenih člankov)
O delavnici
Datum izvedbe: petek, 4. 12. 2020, ob 14. uri, na daljavo
Naslov delavnice: Smernice akademskega pisanja in uspešnega objavljanja znanstvenih člankov
Izvedba: v angleškem jeziku
Delavnico vodi: prof. dr. Marjan Mernik iz UM, FERI
Komu je namenjena: Vsem doktorskim študentom in tistim, ki se bodo šele vpisali na doktorski študij
Trajanje: 2-3 šolske ure
Prijavo na brezplačno spletno delavnico posredujte na e-naslov: najkasneje do četrtka, 3. 12. 2020, do 12.00 ure. Na osnovi prijave boste na vaš e-naslov prejeli povezavo do spletne delavnice.
Delavnica je namenjena predvsem mlajšim visokošolskim učiteljem/raziskovalcem in doktorskim študentom, ki še nimajo veliko izkušenj s pisanjem in objavljanjem znanstvenih člankov. Na delavnici bodo podani številni napotki, ki vam bodo pomagali pri pisanju in objavljanju znanstvenih člankov:
- namen znanstvenega publiciranja,
- primerna struktura in sestava kakovostnega znanstvenega članka,
- nasveti pri pisanju in objavljanju znanstvenih člankov,
- pogoste napake pri pisanju znanstvenih člankov,
- ocenjevanje znanstvenih člankov s perspektive recenzenta in urednika.
Predstavitev predavatelja:
Dr. Marjan Mernik je redni profesor na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko Univerze v Mariboru ( V letih 2008-2017 je bil gostujoči profesor na »University of Alabama at Birmingham«, ZDA. Raziskovalno se ukvarja s programskimi jeziki in evolucijskim računanjem. Je glavni urednik (Editor in Chief) revije The Journal of Computer Languages in pomožni urednik (Associate Editor) revije Applied Soft Computing. Je visoko citiran raziskovalec za področje računalništva in informatike za leto 2017 in 2018 (Clarivate Analytics, Web of Science).
Vljudno vabljeni!
Publishing is essential to a researcher's career. Every researcher must decide where, how, and when to publish.
You also have the responsibility to maintain integrity in reporting your research findings.
Join the online seminar on 18th on November at 3pm where Dr. David Peralta (Editor-in-Chief, ChemMedChem, a journal of Chemistry Europe and Wiley-VCH) will discuss various publishing ethics issues that all researchers should be aware of.
Seminar will be in English.
More information:
For the event apply through our new platform called POPR - Personal and Professional Development Portal:
Login for PhD students with your digital identity
Enter POPR with your student digital identity of the University of Ljubljana, which you got with enrollment and you use it for different UL services.
You can download the digital identity on the ID portal page of the University of Ljubljana.
Login for researchers
Enter POPR, click »OTHERS« and follow follow the registration process.
Karierna svetovalka/ Career Counselor
Univerza v
Ljubljani / University of Ljubljana
Kongresni trg 12, SI-1000
Ljubljana, Slovenija / Slovenia
T.: +386 1 2418 684 ,
Srečanje Doktorske šole Univerze v Ljubljani - letos namenjeno doktorandom in doktoradkam
vabimo vas na letošnje srečanje Doktorske šole Univerze v Ljubljani, ki bo v četrtek, 12. novembra 2020, ob 18. uri.
Letošnje srečanje bo namenjeno predvsem doktorandom in doktorandkam.
Srečanje bo
tokrat potekalo preko videokonferenčnega sistema ZOOM na povezavi:
Meeting ID: 922
8043 2113
Passcode: 670113
Vabilo in program dogodka vam pošiljamo v prilogi in se veselimo srečanja z vami.
Lep pozdrav,
dr. Aleksandra
profesorica / Professor
Predstojnica doktorske šole UL/Head of
Doctoral School
Letno srečanje DS 2020 - vabilo
Letno srečanje DS 2020 - program
Spletni delavnici za doktorske študente in raziskovalce - MY RESEARCH CAN BENEFIT OUR FUTURE
Spletni delavnici za doktorske študente in raziskovalce - MY RESEARCH CAN BENEFIT OUR FUTURE
Bi radi prispevali k boljši in trajnostni prihodnosti in želite delati na lastni poslovni ideji ali tehnologiji/rešitvi na področju kovin, mineralov in naprednih materialov, povezanih z vrednostno verigo kovin in mineralov?
Prijavite se na delavnico v organizaciji Ljubljanskega
univerzitetnega inkubatorja (LUI)!
Gosta bosta predavatelja z EIT Raw
Materials, Hans Wetsterhofa in Frans Nauto.
Pridobili boste nekaj osnovnih podjetniških veščin in izvedeli več o priložnostih v okviru EIT surovin.
Delavnica bo izvedena v dveh delih:
1. delavnica je osnovna in bo potekala
11.11.2020, Prijavite se v POPRu
delavnica je napredna in bo potekala 2.12.2020. Prijavite se v POPRu
If you’d like to contribute to a sustainable future and you’re motivated to work on you own business idea or technology/solution on metals, minerals and advanced materials connected with metals-minerals value chain, then this are the not-to-miss events. You will gain some basic entrepreneurial skills and learn more about the opportunities within EIT Raw Materials.
Workshops will be hosted by EIT Raw Materials representatives Hans Wetsterhof and Frans Nauta.
The workshop will be dvided in two parts:
· the 1st workshop is basic and will take place on 11.11.2020, Register on POPR
· the 2nd workshop is advanced and will take place on 2.12.2020. Register on POPR
Andreja Jurček, univ. dipl. soc.
/ Career Advisor
Karierni centri Univerze v Ljubljani / University of Ljubljana Career Centers
T.: +386 30 641 644
On-line workshop OPEN SCIENCE
Sharing, collaboration, and transparency are key to improving the system of scientific communication and publishing.
Science knows no bounds. A researcher seeks inspiration and collaboration on topics involving researchers worldwide.
It is also important that society benefits from publicly funded research. But what does this mean for you, and how can you and your work benefit from such openness?
In this online workshop, Dr. David Peralta (Editor-in-Chief, ChemMedChem, a journal of Chemistry Europe and Wiley-VCH) will discuss the "open movement" and some of its most prominent initiatives, including open-access publishing and open-source research.
You are invited to join on 9th of November at 3pm.
On-line workshop will be in English.
More information:
For the event apply through our new platform called POPR - Personal and Professional Development Portal:
You do not have yout POPR accout?
Login simply by following the instructions below.
Login for PhD students with your digital identity
Enter POPR with your student digital identity of the University of Ljubljana, which you got with enrollment and you use it for different UL services.
You can download the digital identity on the ID portal page of the University of Ljubljana.
Login for researchers
Enter POPR , click »OTHERS« and follow follow the registration process.
Karierna svetovalka/ Career Counselor
Univerza v
Ljubljani / University of Ljubljana
Kongresni trg 12, SI-1000
Ljubljana, Slovenija / Slovenia
T.: +386 1 2418 684,
Virtualen dogodek "We Discover Days Barcelona"
Če vas zanimajo aktualna družbena vprašanja in si želite o njih debatirati še z drugimi študenti evropskih univerz, je WeDiscover Days Barcelona odlična priložnost za vas!
Tridnevni dogodek (28. in 30. oktober) je namenjen konferencam, razpravam, projekcijam, delavnicam in spletnim obiskom ter odpiranju različnim temam, kot so podnebne razmere, promet in mobilnost, socialna vključenost in še mnoge druge.
To so aktualna vprašanja, ki združujejo študente, strokovnjake, raziskovalce in ostale, združujejo nas na poti k istemu cilju - ustvariti boljšo prihodnost za vse.
Podroben program si lahko ogledate tukaj.
Dogodek poteka v angleškem jeziku.
If you are interested in current social issues across Europe and the world, and want to become a part of the conversation with other students in European Universities, WeDiscover Days Barcelona is the perfect opportunity for you!
Three days (28-30 October) of conferences, debates, screenings, workshops and visits make way for conversations regarding a variety of topics - Climate Emergency, Transport and Mobility, Social Inclusion and many more – uniting students, experts, researchers and staff with the same goal, to create better future for all.
The event will be held in English
Odlok o začasni prepovedi zbiranja ljudi / Decree on the Temporary Prohibition of Gathering People
Odlok o začasni prepovedi zbiranja ljudi v zavodih s področja vzgoje in izobraževanja ter univerzah
V skladu z odlokom vlade RS o začasni prepovedi zbiranja ljudi v zavodih s področja vzgoje in izobraževanja ter univerzah (Ur. l. 152/20) v nadaljevanju izdajam naslednje navodilo za delo na Fakulteti za strojništvo UL, s pričetkom veljavnosti v ponedeljek, 26. 10. 2020. Ukrepi veljajo najmanj do 2. 11. 2020 oz. do preklica:
- Pedagoški proces se v celoti (P, S, V, preverjanje znanja, izdelava diplom, zagovori …) izvaja na daljavo brez fizične prisotnosti študentov na FS.
- Fakulteta bo zaprta za zunanje deležnike.
- od ponedeljka, 26. 10. 2020, dalje do preklica odpovedane osebne uradne ure študentskega referata
- vso dokumentacijo, ki jo morate oddati v študentski referat pošljete po pošti ali e-pošti
- vsi zagovori bodo potekali on-line po predvidenem planu
- študentski referat kontaktirajte preko telefona ali e-pošte na spodaj naveden kontakt:
telefon: (01) 4771 169
Priloga: Zapiranje dijaških in študentskih domov
Lep pozdrav in ostanite zdravi,
prof. dr. Mitjan Kalin, dekan
Decree on the Temporary Prohibition of Gathering People in Institutions in the Field of Education and Universities
Dear all!
In accordance with the Decree on the Temporary Prohibition of Gathering People in Institutions in the Field of Education and Universities (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia 152/20) I hereby issue the following instructions for work at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, with effect from Monday, 26 October 2020. The measure is valid until 2 November 2020 or until its cancellation.
- The pedagogical process is completely (L, S, T, knowledge assessment, diploma writing, defense...) carried out remotely without physical presence of the students at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
- The faculty is closed to external individuals.
- Face-to-face office hours of the Student Affairs Office will be suspended from Monday, 26 October 2020 until cancelation.
- Please send all documentation you need to submit to the Student Affairs Office by post or e-mail.
- All defences will take place online as planned.
- Students are kindly requested to contact the Student Affairs Office by phone or e-mail at the following contacts:
T: (01) 4771 169
Attached document: Information to foreign students and visiting lecturers in the Republic of Slovenia concerning the closure of higher education institutions and student dormitories
Best regards and stay healthy.
Prof. Dr. Mitjan Kalin, Dean
Zapiranje dijaških in študentskih domov
Information to foreign students and visiting lecturers in the Republic of Slovenia concerning the closure of higher education institutions and student dormitories
Razpis štipendij slovenskim doktorandom in mladim doktorjem
Razpis štipendij slovenskim doktorandom in mladim doktorjem znanosti iz nacionalnega programa Svetovne federacije znanstvenikov
Razpis štipendij
Zagovor 2. seminarja - VILI PEPEL
V ponedeljek, 19. decembra 2011 ob 10.00 uri bo kandidat
Vili Pepel, univ.dipl.inž.
zagovarjal drugi podiplomski seminar z naslovom:
Izbira metode doloèitve poškodbe pri merjenju
mentor: prof.dr. Ivan Prebil
prof. dr Ivan Prebil
prof. dr. Franc Kosel
Zagovor bo v predavalnici IV/3A.